Grab Knowledge for Best College of North East India
A good education can make a person develop an opinion about different things in life. It broadens the horizons of the mind and enlightens an individual. India has been the seat of higher learning since a long time before commercialization of education and marketing began. Takshila and Nalanda were one of the earliest known universities. Despite so many years of independence and development, not all regions of the country have attained equality in terms of education. The north-east has been lagging in terms of opportunities compared to other states of India. With limited options to pursue higher education, the rise of Arunachal University of Studies is a blessing for the people of the state. Opportunities to Pursue Higher Studies Good universities imparting quality education to broaden the vision and possibilities of the human mind are the need of the hour. To cater to the growing population and their need for education, many universities have come up under the UGC ...